
Clinical Therapist Job Description

Let’s Talk About The Important Stuff

Works Counseling Center is seeking a Professional Counselor that is searching for a place that supports their whole authentic self, encourages them in their career, and promotes inclusion.

Our mission at Works Counseling Center is to transform the therapy world for marginalized communities by creating a safe, transparent, and authentic environment.

Our Core Values:

Authentic. Transparent. Accountable. Committed. Determined. Extraordinary.

We do everything through these six values. Hire, Promote, and Fire. If you think you embody these six values keep reading below to apply!


Let’s Talk About The Important Stuff

Works Counseling Center is seeking a Professional Counselor that is searching for a place that supports their whole authentic self, encourages them in their career, and promotes inclusion.

Let’s be honest.

We want therapists that do what they say they’re going to do. Who are authentic and not afraid to step up and do what’s right even when no one else is looking. Who take pride in being a helping professional and feel that is where they belong. Who is not out there looking for the next best thing. We want therapists that are real and want to work for a company that cares.

Let’s be real.

Sometimes we are going to ask you to do things you don’t want to do. Like completing your progress notes within 24 hours. Or writing blogs for the website. Or going out in the community and doing talks. This might take time. It will definitely take some effort. But it shows our community that we care, and we expect that of you.


We’re okay with people loving us or not. We’re not a lukewarm kind of place. We cuss, laugh, and sometimes even pick on each other (maybe even more than sometimes) because we actually enjoy being with the people we work with. We want to be so uniquely Works Counseling that professionals who have been looking for a place like ours will feel at home immediately!

Let’s be a team.

We want people that are excited to participate in our shenanigans. We all act like a family. From family dinners, to game nights, to holiday parties… We want someone who wants to be there and be involved. We love being bold, offering services that no one else offers, and getting the word out about the crazy ways we care for our community. If you’re not interested in that, please don’t apply.

Let’s be Extraordinary.

We will not tolerate any negativity. Drama breeds negativity and we will not allow that in our company. We’ve worked hard to build something that fosters the support of one another, and we will not sacrifice that for any new hire. We believe that your work environment should be fun, challenging, and inspiring. We only want people with positive attitudes, who are ready to inspire their co-workers, their clients, and their communities.

Let’s talk about money.

Can you make good money here? Yes! But it does take work. Can you make good money here in a month’s time? No! We believe that the more hungry you are to work, the more money you will make. Building a caseload in group practice takes time and patience. We offer our therapists a competitive percentage, and in exchange for that, a ton of support. We have a competitive benefits package and we go above and beyond for the therapists in our practice. We encourage you to grow clinically and become more than just a “sit and chat” therapist. We can fill any therapist’s caseload that knows how to retain a client. We do things for our counselors that we don’t have to do, but we want to, because we care. If you’re looking for a job where you can live like a millionaire but work like a five-year-old, please don’t apply here. You won’t like it. 

What you will NOT like about Works Counseling Center.

We think it’s a good idea to tell people what they’re not going to like, right up front so they can save themselves the time and not apply if they know it’s not a good fit.

  1. We have high expectations. We expect our counselors to know how to provide evidenced-based services in such a way that our clients can heal. If our counselors do not feel confident, we are okay with that, but we do expect them to tell us so we can offer help.
  2. You can’t cancel on your clients because you don’t feel like talking to them that day. Cancellations are for emergency situations only.
  3. You must comply with our office policies. Policies are created to keep order and we all know how much we need that!
  4. When you first start, you may not always get the top dollar session fee. We fill our therapists with a range of session fees to get them full faster.
  5. You will share office space. No one therapist has their own office. If you cannot share and respect other people’s property, do not apply here, you will not like it!

What you will LOVE about Works Counseling Center.

  1. We are fair. You might not like our policies, but they are fair.
  2. Our office staff couldn’t be more supportive.
  3. We love to do good things for our community.
  4. Our office space is really pretty!
  5. We are flexible. We understand that life can change pretty quickly and have a very laid back, flexible mindset. However, we don’t want you to take advantage of this!
  6. We care about you. Really care about you. We will celebrate your first day, your loved ones, your birthday, and all the small and big achievements along the way!

If you’re looking for the meaning of TEAM…

We are ready to show you how WCC does teamwork! We are restructuring our hiring process, re-evaluating our hiring standards, and are only choosing the top candidates to work at our company. We invest tremendous amounts of time, energy, and money into our team, and we will not sacrifice quality and integrity for anything!

If you are a Professional Counselor with good morals, a strong work ethic, and the desire to be a part of a team, we can’t wait to see your application!

We know this is a lot. Like, a lot a lot.

But we believe it is crucial that you know enough about us before you make the decision to apply. Please understand, we are not looking for people who are job hoppers. We’re not interested in those seeking to be millionaires. We are looking for therapists who truly want to feel part of a team, like they’re a part of something bigger than themselves.

So if after reading all of this you still think you want to work here… Then fill out the damn application!

Clinical Therapist Application

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