
News & Resources

How to Pick an Outpatient Therapist

How to Pick an Outpatient Therapist

1. Demographics – Who Are You Going to Mesh With the Most? A foundational study in therapeutic outcomes states that the most robust determinant of successful therapy is a strong “therapeutic alliance.” Therapeutic alliance essentially means how well connected you feel...

Play Therapy

Play Therapy

If you are interested in getting your child started in therapy, then this article is a must read! For many children, asking them to engage in talk therapy is simply unrealistic. Developmentally, many children do not have the ability to verbally express their emotions...

Boosting Mental Health Through Physical Activity

Boosting Mental Health Through Physical Activity

In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion on the relationship between physical activity and mental health. As science continues to investigate this relationship, it becomes obvious that exercise is not just good for our bodies, but also a strong tool for...

Normalize Changing Careers: A Little Bit of My Story

Normalize Changing Careers: A Little Bit of My Story

Changing careers, or even considering changing jobs, can come with a plethora of mental health challenges. I get it. It’s scary, amongst other things! In this blog today, I want to share a little bit about my career and mental health journey to (hopefully) contribute...

Finding the Right Therapist for You!

Finding the Right Therapist for You!

I have been seeing therapists for a long time. I was 10 years old when I went to my first therapy appointment. I remember feeling scared and shy going into it for the first few sessions. It’s not an easy task to sit and be vulnerable with a complete stranger. Since I...

Don’t “Should” Yourself!

Don’t “Should” Yourself!

Do you ever hear that little voice in your head that starts every thought with the phrase “I should…?” You know, the one that brings on the pressure and guilt that often makes you feel like you aren't doing what you need to be doing, could always be doing more, are...