
As a professional counseling intern, I have gained a more in-depth understanding of the obstacles, stressors, and advancements that therapists confront daily. Personally, I was concerned about how my career might be impacted. I don’t want to carry any negativity home to my child or partner. I am aware that this is a possibility; thus, I am aware that trying my best to leave work at work, creating boundaries for myself, and visiting my own personal therapist are all beneficial for me. “One benefit of such fears,” Jeffrey A. Kottler wrote, “is that they helped me become even more determined to work on honest communication in my marriage and friendships.” This was the reassurance I needed to realize that I can overcome these negative thoughts by changing them constructively and reflecting on what I need to improve about myself.

I’ve heard some heartbreaking stories that have made me even more passionate about being a mental health counselor. Kottler noted how it is possible to have a client who causes us to have an emotional reaction; after all, we are human beings with human feelings. I’ve realized that there will be instances when I can connect with my clients simply by listening to their story and empathizing with them.

I define counseling as an individual who offers guidance to help improve mental health and well-being. My inspiration for being a counselor stems from my desire to assist others, and I find it tremendously fulfilling to know that I can make a positive difference in someone’s life. As a mental health counselor, I’ll be doing an important job, and clients will confide in me. I want to make sure that I am competent and effective in employing the proper techniques, that I am confident in the appropriate pace of treatment, and that I can effectively assist clients to cope with these experiences.

I’ve learned that certain clients will elicit fears in me due to unresolved problems, but I must be always totally present for the client. I’ve also realized that following sessions, I should get feedback from clients. This will be a crucial process for me to partake in so that I can discover what my clients liked, what they thought worked, and what they didn’t like. Doing so will eventually help me create a deep relationship with my client, and they will be more likely to return for future sessions. Overall, I must be self-aware, self-reflect on my own issues, network with like-minded people, keep up with my education and training, exercise patience, and be a good communicator.