News & Resources
Summer Countdown: 40 Days to Transform Your Teen’s Life
Summer is 40 days away; act fast! Summer is 40 days away! Yes, 40, I know, crazy, right, especially considering that it has been feeling like summer for some time now in the Nashville area. Summertime is essential for teens as this is a chance to spend time with...
Transform Your Teen’s Summer: Discover the Power of Self-Love Camp
Give your teen the camp experience you wish you had: School is essential for a lot of different reasons. It provides a place for students to improve in academic areas such as sports and go on certain field trips like college visits. However, where is the student going...
Finding Peace Through Authenticity, Not a Google Search Bar
As a therapist who specializes in anxiety and OCD, I am always interested in the nuanced ways different anxiety symptoms manifest within different people. Anxiety, according to societal norms, is often associated with traits such as insecurity, indecisiveness, or a...
“You’re Too Close to My Hula-Hoop:” An Essay on Boundaries
Recently I was on a walk with a friend who was complaining about her mother-in-law. “I’ve told her that she’s not allowed to drop by unannounced,” Friend vented, “but she just keeps violating my boundary. I keep setting boundaries with her and she keeps stepping on...
“Colored Noise”: The Healing Behind Sound Frequencies
If you’ve spent any amount of time on social media or even on YouTube, you may have heard about different noise frequencies— pink noise, brown noise, white noise, etc.— and their supposed healing properties. As someone who believes wholeheartedly in holistic healing...
Introducing Me (Jenna)
Hey there! My name is Jenna, and I realized that I have been at Works Counseling Center for almost a year and have never formally introduced myself (where’s my manners?). Part of my delay is attributed to my uncertainty as to what to say and wanting my introduction to...