Pride Month: The Power of Community

Pride Month: The Power of Community

Bigots will often say, “Why do they need a whole month to parade around their sexuality, etc.?” They fail to realize, however, that pride month is about so much more than sex or sexuality. It’s about authenticity. It’s also about honoring those who have passed due to...
Gender Affirming Psychotherapy: What Does it Look Like?

Gender Affirming Psychotherapy: What Does it Look Like?

No matter if you’re 100% sure of your gender identity or still exploring it, having a safe space to process thoughts about your gender identity with an affirming mental health professional is very helpful. This blog will mainly be geared towards what gender affirming...
Gender-Affirming Care Saves LGBTQIA+ Lives

Gender-Affirming Care Saves LGBTQIA+ Lives

In Tennessee, transgender and non-binary people are under attack by the supermajority in the Tennessee General Assembly. Unfortunately, they have passed a bill banning gender-affirming care for LGBTQIA+ youth under the age of 18. As a psychotherapist, I am deeply...
Navigating LGBTQ Parenthood with Your Partner

Navigating LGBTQ Parenthood with Your Partner

The phrase “traditional family” no longer means one mom, one dad and two-point-five kids. Today’s families are diverse, with many lesbians and gay men forming a family unit through adoption, foster care, artificial insemination and other...