Hello! I am Shelby, a licensed professional counselor who loves all things enneagram, and works with clients at The Works Counseling Center located in Nashville, TN. Today, we are wrapping up our nine-part series focusing on the enneagram and how it may be used in...
Hello! I am Shelby, a licensed professional counselor who loves all things enneagram, and works with clients at The Works Counseling Center located in Nashville, TN. How has your August been? This is a month that is often filled with transitions; going back to school,...
Hello! I am Shelby, a licensed professional counselor who loves all things enneagram, and works with clients at The Works Counseling Center located in Nashville, TN. How has your summer been? When I think of this season, I find that my mind goes to all things I find...
Hello! I am Shelby, a licensed professional counselor who loves all things enneagram, and works with clients at The Works Counseling Center located in Nashville, TN. Today, we are moving forward with part six of our nine-part series focusing on the enneagram and how...
Hello! I am Shelby, a licensed professional counselor who loves all things enneagram, and works with clients at The Works Counseling Center located in Nashville, TN. Today, we are continuing to part five of our nine-part series focusing on the enneagram and how it may...
Hello! I am Shelby, a licensed professional counselor who loves all things enneagram, and works with clients at The Works Counseling Center located in Nashville, TN. Today, we are continuing to part four of our nine-part series focusing on the enneagram and how it may...