When I finally…

When I finally…

When I finally go on vacation, I’ll be relaxed. When I finally get that promotion, I’ll spend more time with my family. When I finally start dating, I’ll be happy. When I finally get in shape, I’ll feel better about myself. When I finally (fill in the blank), I’ll...
Leaning into your Anxiety

Leaning into your Anxiety

If you are struggling with anxiety and working with a therapist, a phrase you may hear them say is “lean into your anxiety”. Now, you may be wondering, “What in the world does that mean?” or “You actually want me to feel anxious?” I know it sounds crazy and I didn’t...
Play Therapy

Play Therapy

If you are interested in getting your child started in therapy, then this article is a must read! For many children, asking them to engage in talk therapy is simply unrealistic. Developmentally, many children do not have the ability to verbally express their emotions...
Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression

Welcoming a baby can be a joyous time and also an extremely challenging time that brings a handful of emotions and new experiences. Learning to navigate these new challenges can be difficult, especially as you undergo physical and emotional changes. If you are...
Yoga and the Brain

Yoga and the Brain

At the start of 2024, I set a personal goal to improve my physical and mental health. I decided to take on the challenge of practicing yoga, due to its many known physical and mental health benefits. I have tried yoga in the past, and absolutely hated it. I hated...