May is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Awareness month, so this month I thought it might be a good time to learn about some of the signs and symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is a pervasive disorder that has a serious effect on those living with...
There will be other forms in addition to our classic marriage. One is already looming on the horizon: polyamory, or having more than one intimate partner.” – Volkmar Sigusch While statistics show that the majority of people in the western world continue...
We have learned about what healthy boundaries are, and that boundaries start internally rather than externally. We have also learned that in some families, healthy boundaries are difficult to maintain, due to a variety of issues. Our final discussion topic regarding...
In the previous article on Boundaries, we learned that problems with boundaries can begin with attachment issues in our family of origin. Our family is where we learn about relationships and begin to develop our identity. Many things can affect a family’s ability to...