Would You Be Friends With Yourself?

Would You Be Friends With Yourself?

As we enter a new year, it is expected that many individuals are beginning to self-reflect and find things to create resolutions, goals, or aspirations that they hope to reach this year. To help with this, I have found that looking at myself through the lens of...
It’s Okay to Not be Okay

It’s Okay to Not be Okay

How many times has someone asked you how you’re doing, and you have replied “fine” or “good,” which couldn’t have been further from the truth? How many times have you been nearing a breakdown or feel like you are mentally spiraling and put on a fake smile to mask your...
I’m Tired

I’m Tired

Well friends here we are again, alas I find myself struggling to put words on a page and come up with something super fancy and articulate to say in a deep, meaningful and profound way. Have you ever reached that level of tiredness where the days seem to blur together...
Creating Healthy Boundaries

Creating Healthy Boundaries

Have you been feeling exhausted, like you’re on the edge of burnout or a mental breakdown due to being pulled in all directions? This is a sign that healthy boundaries might be needed. Learning to say “no” is fundamental for maintaining balance and preserving...
Listen To Your Body

Listen To Your Body

How many times do you tell yourself “just one more episode” or “i need to finish this assignment” even though your eyes are begging you to close them. Growing up you may have been told to finish your plate. Do you still do the same now or do you stop eating when you...
The Importance of Hobbies

The Importance of Hobbies

One of the first questions you get asked when meeting someone new is “what do you like to do?” And if you are at all like me then at one point or another you have probably thought “Well, with what little free time I have, I enjoy sleeping. But I don’t think that’s the...