As a therapist who specializes in anxiety and OCD, I am always interested in the nuanced ways different anxiety symptoms manifest within different people. Anxiety, according to societal norms, is often associated with traits such as insecurity, indecisiveness, or a...
Mindfulness is a helpful tool to use when experiencing anxious thoughts, low mood, stress, or grief. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, including mindful eating, gardening, creating art, or walking a labyrinth. While these practices are wonderful and highly...
Think about a recent time when you’ve felt an unwanted feeling. Maybe when someone cuts you off in traffic. Or when political opinions come up at the family dinner table. Perhaps it involves taking out the trash, the Titans losing, or a memory of a lost loved one...
How many times do you tell yourself “just one more episode” or “i need to finish this assignment” even though your eyes are begging you to close them. Growing up you may have been told to finish your plate. Do you still do the same now or do you stop eating when you...
Something that you may have heard of but not really understood is the term mindfulness. Like the word vulnerability it has become a buzzword in the field of psychology lately. So even if you don’t know what it is, you’ve probably heard it before. In the most basic...
Meditation is a word that can carry a lot of weight, a lot of presuppositions, and a lot of misunderstanding. What is meditation? Some people see it as a useful tool, and some see it as a dangerous practice that can open the practitioner up to spiritual attacks of one...