The Barriers of Self-Acceptance

The Barriers of Self-Acceptance

Since I’ve been in the therapy world, one of the most common things I hear from clients is some version of, “How do I accept ___?” Often, this question is framed with some aspect of self-acceptance, or some aspect of themselves that my clients ae struggling to be...
Finding Harmony In and Out of Work

Finding Harmony In and Out of Work

Have you ever stayed at work after hours because you have to answer all your emails before feeling like you can leave? Do you bring work home to do on the couch while watching The Bachelor? Have you ever found yourself saying yes to everything that is asked of you,...
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Picture this: you had a 12-hour workday. You drove home, made dinner, cleaned, and then prepped for the next day. Suddenly, it is way past your preferred bedtime, and you’ve had no time to spend on yourself. Instead of going to sleep to prepare to have this day occur...
Fall in Love with Yourself this Valentine’s Day

Fall in Love with Yourself this Valentine’s Day

It is finally less than one month away from my favorite holiday: Valentine’s Day! A lot of people cringe at the thought of this holiday, but I can’t help but adore the pink and red decorations and indulge in my most favorite thing, chocolate! Growing up, Valentine’s...