Meditation: Five-Senses Check

Meditation: Five-Senses Check

Often when I am feeling stressed or anxious, I notice that I don’t feel fully “present”; my mind is elsewhere, worrying about the past or future and nowhere close to the “now.” In these situations, I am reminded of a meditation that I once learned called the Five...
Overcoming Guilt & Shame

Overcoming Guilt & Shame

Guilt and shame are two commonly felt emotions, and they are sometimes mistaken for the same thing, but it’s important to understand the difference between the two. Guilt is what we feel when we’ve done something wrong or done something that doesn’t align with our...
Moving Forward

Moving Forward

Recently I picked up a book of poetry: Inward, a collection by Yung Pueblo. The book “explores the movement from self-love to unconditional love, the power of letting go, and the wisdom that comes when we truly try to know ourselves”—themes that I encounter a lot as a...
People Pleasing

People Pleasing

Have you ever struggled with saying no to your family or friends? Do you constantly strive to please others, often sacrificing your own wants and needs in the process? This is what you call people pleasing, when individuals alter their behaviors to make everyone else...
Take Care, You Are Not Alone

Take Care, You Are Not Alone

I have found this blog incredibly difficult to write because while I have felt the need to write it and share what I can professionally add to the dialogue, I feel like this issue has been significantly whitewashed, and I don’t want to add to that narrative. While cis...
Feeling Safe

Feeling Safe

In a time of turmoil, uncertainty or even growing up with instability of any kind, many of us can learn what it is to survive and function but maybe never learned the feeling of safety. Feeling safe is a right that each person deserves to feel yet it is something that...