Reduce Your Stress!

Reduce Your Stress!

Stress comes in all shapes and sizes. Some days, we may feel it through tension in our muscles,  other days in the racing thoughts that persist in our minds. Regardless of how we experience it,  we can all agree that it is not how we want to feel all of the time. Over...
Moving Through Stress…..

Moving Through Stress…..

Hello friends…. Welcome to what is not a helpful tutorial on how to handle stress effectively and gracefully…. Welcome to what is my ever so comical experience of recently moving into a new house with 3 dogs, a brand new fiancĂ©, and a 10yo wonderfully...
The Impact of Stress

The Impact of Stress

What is a healthy work-life balance? I know it’s often a common goal. Many of us get stuck in a cycle of trying to single-handedly juggle all parts of life. The workload, relationships, children if we’re parents, these all require our time and attention. Juggling all...